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Advanced prompt tips, writing prompt examples and use cases


With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, innovative conversational AI models such as ChatGPT are becoming deeply embedded in our daily lives and work environments. These advanced AI systems are used in a variety of areas, from answering simple questions to performing complex tasks, and their influence continues to expand.

To effectively utilize these powerful AI models, it is essential to create appropriate prompting techniques that accurately convey the user's intent and achieve the desired results. Prompts play a key role in conversations with AI, and well-structured prompts are the key to maximizing AI performance.

In this article, we'll dive into advanced tips and real-world use cases for creating prompts for effective interaction with AI models. We'll comprehensively cover prompt optimization techniques, how to avoid common errors, and strategies for maximizing AI's creativity, along with application examples from a variety of industries. Through this, you will be able to gain practical knowledge and know-how to use AI technology more efficiently.

The importance of prompts

A prompt is an instruction or question given to an AI model. This is the primary means by which users interact with an AI system, and may be text, images, or other forms of input. Writing the right prompts is critical to getting the results you want from AI. This goes beyond simply asking questions; it requires a strategic approach to maximize the power of AI models and achieve the desired output.

Well-written prompts can maximize AI’s performance and elicit accurate, useful responses that match the user’s intent. It's helpful to provide clear, specific instructions, provide relevant context, and sometimes include examples. Additionally, by acquiring and applying prompt engineering techniques, users will be able to make communication with AI models more effective and successfully perform complex tasks.

Basic principles of writing prompts

1. Clarity and specificity

The most important thing when writing a prompt is to provide clear and specific instructions. Avoid ambiguous expressions and use precise terms and expressions that AI can understand. This is essential for AI systems to accurately understand user intent and produce the desired results.

To increase clarity, you can use the following methods:

  • Provide specific examples

  • Write step-by-step instructions

  • Include additional explanation if necessary

  • Provide definitions when using technical terms or abbreviations

Additionally, to increase specificity, you should consider the following:

  • Specify desired output format

  • Clearly indicate the scope or limitations of the data

  • Specify numbers or units of measurement where necessary

  • Provide specific context or explanation of situation

Writing your prompts in this way will greatly improve the efficiency of your communication with the AI ​​system and increase the likelihood that you will get the results you want.

2. Provide context

It is important to provide AI with sufficient background information and context. This allows AI to more accurately understand user intent and generate more relevant answers. When providing context, it is a good idea to include key information related to the topic, temporal background, spatial background, and the relationships of the parties involved. Additionally, clearly explaining the user's purpose or expected outcomes can help AI provide more accurate and useful responses. The richer the context, the better AI can understand, which in turn leads to better quality results.

3. Step-by-step instructions

For complex tasks, it is effective to provide instructions broken down into steps. This helps AI process each step sequentially and produce accurate results. When giving step-by-step instructions, it is best to explain each step clearly and concisely and provide as specific instructions as possible. Additionally, you can maintain logical connectivity between each step and request intermediate deliverables when necessary to check progress. This approach is especially useful for complex analysis, long writing, or multi-step problem solving, and helps AI perform tasks systematically.

Tips for writing advanced prompts

1. Assign roles

By giving AI a specific role, you can guide it to respond like a subject matter expert. This is an effective way to have AI generate answers based on domain-specific knowledge and perspectives. For example, you could write a prompt like, "You are an economics expert. Please provide an analysis of the current global economic situation." This approach guides AI to provide responses that include domain terminology, latest trends, and in-depth analysis. Additionally, by assigning various expert roles such as doctors, lawyers, and historians, you can obtain information and opinions specialized in each field.

2. Setting constraints

You can control AI's response by specifying the format or length of the desired result. This is very helpful for users to get information tailored to their specific needs. “Please summarize in 300 words or less.” Or, you could include instructions such as “Please summarize it in five key points.” In addition, “Please explain in easy language that even non-experts can understand.”, “Please write in an academic format.”, “Please answer in a positive tone.” You can set various constraints, such as: This allows users to get the form and style of response that best suits their needs.

3. Provide examples

Providing examples of your desired output format helps AI better understand your intent. This helps AI understand the exact format and structure you want. You can provide specific examples, such as "Please answer in the following format: 1. Title, 2. Summary, 3. Details." Additionally, it is more effective if you include real-life examples. For example, if you want a specific writing style or format, you can provide short example text and have the AI ​​mimic that style. By doing this, users can get the output in the exact format they want.

4. Multi-step prompt

For complex tasks, you can break the prompt into several steps. This method builds prompts for the next step based on the results obtained from each step. This approach allows you to obtain more accurate and systematic results by breaking down complex problems into smaller units. For example, the first step might ask you for an overview of the topic, and the second step might ask you to write details based on that outline. The third step allows you to review what has been written and suggest improvements. This step-by-step approach can be particularly effective in writing papers, developing business plans, and solving complex problems.

Example writing prompt

1. Blog post writing prompt

You are a professional blogger. Please write a 1500 word blog post on the topic ‘Sustainable Lifestyle’. Posts must follow the following structure:
1. Interesting introduction
2. Introduction to three key sustainable lifestyle habits
3. Explain the environmental and economic benefits of each habit.
4. Provide practical tips
5. Conclusion and reader participation
Please write in a professional yet friendly tone and include relevant statistics or research results.

2. Prompt to write product documentation

Please write the user manual for the latest smartphone ‘TechX Pro’. You must include the following:
1. Product overview and main features (200 characters)
2. How to set up the device (step-by-step explanation, 300 characters)
3. How to use major apps (select 3 apps, 200 characters each)
4. Troubleshooting guide (5 common problems and solutions, 100 characters each)
5. Safety precautions (200 characters)
Use professional, clear language, but write in a way that even non-technical users can understand.

Prompt use cases

1. Education field

Educators can leverage AI to help students learn. For example, you might use the following prompt in a history class:

You are a historian of 15th-century Europe. Describe the major events, people, and works of art of the Renaissance in 500 words. Please use analogies and examples to make it easier for students to understand, and also include three quiz questions.

2. Marketing field

Marketing professionals can leverage AI for content creation. Here is an example prompt for writing a social media post:

Please write 5 Instagram posts about the newly released eco-friendly detergent ‘GreenClean’. Each post must contain the following elements:
1. An eye-catching first sentence
2. Main advantages of the product (environmentally friendly, strong cleaning power, etc.)
3. Tips for use
4. 3 appealing hashtags
We target young, environmentally conscious consumers. Please keep each post to 150 characters or less.

3. Customer service field

Companies can use AI to improve customer service quality. Below is an example prompt for responding to a customer inquiry:

You are a customer service representative at an online store. Please respond to the following customer inquiries in a polite and helpful manner:

Customer inquiry: 'The product I ordered has not started shipping even though 3 days have passed. When can I get it?'

Please include the following in your response:
1. Apology for the customer’s inconvenience
2. Describe possible causes of delivery delay
3. Guidance on specific actions to solve the problem
4. Offer additional assistance
Please write within 150 words.

Precautions when writing prompts

1. Ethical considerations

Ethical aspects should always be considered when utilizing AI. You must be careful not to create discriminatory or inappropriate content, and pay attention to protecting personal information. This means that AI systems should respect social norms and values ​​and aim to provide fair and equal outcomes for all users. Additionally, AI-generated content must be carefully monitored to ensure it does not cause harm to specific groups or individuals. Ethical use of AI plays a critical role in maintaining a balance between technological advancements and human dignity.

2. Verification of accuracy

AI-generated information always needs to be fact-checked. Particularly important data or specialized information must be reviewed by experts. This is because AI systems can sometimes make errors or provide biased information. The accuracy verification process is important to increase the reliability of AI-generated content and prevent the spread of misinformation. This requires a thorough verification process, including comparison with various sources, referencing the latest research results, and seeking opinions from field experts when necessary.

3. Continuous improvement

Prompt writing is a skill that requires continuous learning and improvement. We must continue to explore ways to achieve better results through experimentation. This is especially important considering that AI technology is advancing rapidly and user needs are constantly changing. Improving your prompt writing skills involves trying different approaches, analyzing the results, and gathering feedback. In addition, efforts are needed to continuously learn the latest trends and research results in the AI ​​field and apply them to writing prompts. These continuous improvement efforts will contribute to optimizing the performance of AI systems and providing better experiences for users.

In conclusion

Prompt engineering is becoming a core technology in the AI ​​era. More than just a way to communicate with AI, it has become an essential tool for solving complex problems and generating innovative ideas. Creating effective prompts unlocks the full potential of AI, which can help increase productivity and creativity in a variety of fields. For example, prompt engineering plays a critical role in maximizing the power of AI in almost every area, including business strategy formulation, scientific research, artistic creation, and education.

Writing effective prompts requires clarity, specificity, and purposefulness. Additionally, it is important to understand the characteristics of the AI ​​model and structure your prompts to take this into account. Use the tips and examples in this article to develop your own effective prompts. It may be difficult at first, but through continuous experimentation and improvement, you will gradually achieve better results.

Start your journey to create better results through collaboration with AI. This is a process that goes beyond simply utilizing technology and opens up new possibilities by combining human creativity and AI capabilities. By acquiring and developing prompt engineering skills, you will gain a significant competitive advantage in tomorrow's technological society. We hope you grow with AI and become a leader in creating a better future.